Bridgeforce Data Solutions Invited to Speak at CUNA’s Compliance and Risk Council Conference

Bridgeforce Data Solutions is excited to be an invited speaker and sponsor at this year’s Compliance and Risk Council Conference presented by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA).

CUNA is a national trade association for state and federally chartered credit unions in the United States. Each year, they bring together credit union professionals to discuss trending topics around Compliance and Risk. This year’s event will be hosted at The Boston Plaza Hotel in Massachusetts.

Bridgeforce Data Solutions CEO Matt Scarborough will be presenting on AI from a Compliance & Risk Perspective, discussing the latest trends in the space and how credit unions can be best positioned to take action in the changing landscape.

The conference is being held in Boston October 2nd – 4th, and we invite you to join us to reconnect and collaborate with your Credit Union colleagues and explore relevant and trending topics curated by CUNA Compliance & Risk Council.

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