Bridgeforce Data Solutions Successfully Completes SOC 2 Audit

Bridgeforce Data Solutions, a financial technology firm that provides automated credit reporting compliance and benchmarking solutions, announced its successful completion of its Type 2 SOC 2 audit for the period of May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023.

The SOC 2 audit was conducted by leading compliance assessor A-LIGN, a technology-enabled security and compliance partner trusted by more than 2,500 global organizations to help mitigate cybersecurity risks.

“I am very proud of our recent completion of the SOC 2 audit” said Matt Scarborough, CEO. “Our cloud solutions have been PCI-DSS certified for several years, and the expanded scope of the SOC 2 audit process provides important third-party validation of our continued commitment to information security”.

Established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the SOC 2 examination is designed for organizations of any size, regardless of industry and scope, to ensure the personal assets of their potential and existing customers are protected. SOC 2 reports are recognized globally and affirm that a company’s infrastructure, software, people, data, policies, procedures and operations have been formally reviewed.

“Congratulations to Bridgeforce Data Solutions on the significant accomplishment of completing a SOC 2 audit, a signal of trust and security,” said Steve Simmons, COO of A-LIGN. “By working with A-LIGN, an experienced leader in streamlined compliance assessments, Bridgeforce received a robust, high-quality SOC 2 audit that will help them build trust with their customers.”

Bridgeforce Data Solutions will perform a SOC 2 assessment on an annual basis and can make the report available to current or potential customers upon execution of a non-disclosure agreement. If you are interested in viewing Bridgeforce Data Solutions’ SOC 2 report, please contact Mike Eisel at [email protected].

About Bridgeforce Data Solutions, LLC

Bridgeforce Data Solutions is a financial technology firm that provides automated credit reporting compliance and benchmarking solutions to help consumer lenders of all sizes inspect, benchmark and optimize their credit bureau data.


A-LIGN is the only end-to-end cybersecurity compliance solutions provider with readiness to report compliance automation software paired with professional audit services, trusted by more than 4,000 global organizations to help mitigate cybersecurity risks. A-LIGN uniquely delivers a single-provider holistic approach as a licensed CPA firm to SOC 1 and SOC 2 Audit services, accredited ISO 27001, ISO 27701 and ISO 22301 Certification Body, HITRUST CSF Assessor firm, accredited FedRAMP 3PAO, authorized CMMC C3PAO, PCI Qualified Security Assessor Company, and PCI SSC registered Secure Software Assessor Company. Working with growing businesses to global enterprises, A-LIGN’s experts and its compliance automation platform, A-SCEND, are transforming the compliance experience. For more information, visit

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